As an independent expert supervisor (construction expert), we evaluate the current status of the project for the purposes of drawing a bank loan.
We carry out project monitoring throughout the construction period, within the scope of activities defined by the funding institution. We carry out regular inspections of the project and issue reports of the construction expert, standardly divided into three stages.
The initial report confirms::
- check of the construction budget (market conditions, correctness and completeness),
- feasibility of the project schedule,
- compliance of the actual construction of the project with the approved project documentation,
- actual performed works of the project (current, total),
- invoices submitted,
- building permits,
- retainage.
The interim reports evaluate:
- confirmation of the conclusions of previous reports,
- actual performed works of the project,
- confirmation of the project schedule and the construction budget,
- other warnings,
- invoices submitted,
- retainage.
The final report summarises:
- actual performed works of the project,
- completion of all works,
- information on any defects and arrears of work,
- the final status of the project,
- invoices submitted,
- retainage.